[4K] For Honor – Open Beta Gameplay

Here I’ve recorded a bit of gameplay from For Honor. I joined the closed Beta a few weeks ago, and then back again this weekend for the open beta. I really enjoyed it, the Open Beta feels a bit more balanced during Duel, but 4v4 feels a bit less “well” balanced compared to the Closed Beta – might just be me, but that’s what I felt.

The Into and Tutorial:

And here is gameplay for Dominion, Duel and War Assets:


About the game: The bloodthirsty warlord Apollyon believes the people of the Knights, Vikings, and Samurai have grown weak and wants to create an age of all-out war through manipulation of each faction. To this end the perspectives of characters within each faction are shown as events are shaped, battles are waged, and agendas are created as Apollyon works to ensure continuous sparks of conflict between the Legion, the Warborn, and the Chosen.

And here’s a wallpaper for you:

Have you played it? Are you enjoying it?