Browse Month

November 2017

The biggest checklist for of inclusive design…. ever!

…ever?? Yes!

A lot of aspects add up to an inclusive web experience. Considerations that might not come to one’s mind in the first place — like the use of inclusive language or providing alternatives or descriptions for complex visualizations.Or, accessible considerations such as providing transcripts for audio content.

To get your site on the best track of becoming truly inclusive, the magical Heydon Pickering has put together an Inclusive Design Checklist. The biggest and most comprehensive one available. It includes items for accessibility, performance, device support, interoperability, and language.

Do check it out!


Really Good UX

Often, it’s the small things that take a user experience from good to memorable. This could be a useful tooltip, a straight-forward registration flow that doesn’t ask for the world, a simple checkout process or a useful way you’re being upsold products.

For UX designers, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and to stay inspired with examples of outstanding UX. 

I came across a site called Really Good UX which is collecting some amazing UX details from around the web and explains what makes them so good. Definitely worth having a look!

Let me know what you think! 🙂