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Ninja Gaiden meets Dark Souls – Say Hello to ‘Nioh’

The amazing people behind Ninja Gaiden have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming game Nioh.

Visually Nioh looks quite similar to Ninja Gaiden or Ominusha, which has always been quite nice. However, this time round gameplay is (very Souls-y) reliant on your stamina meter, ensuring that you keep a close watch on it as you plan your strike or dodge.

See for yourselves:

It does even have a bit of a Bloodborne feel to it, from a defense point of view, while at the same time following the aggressive play style of Dark Souls. Note that the UI and use of D-Pad also play homage to the Souls series.

It will be interesting to see how this game progresses over the next months, and how it’ll stand apart from the Souls series.