Browse Author


Brands are tapping into the potential of targeting communities – and so can you!

social media icons

In my second post on the subject of Brands monitoring and making best use of social networks I will focus on your target audiences, and in particular communities or niche markets that are already active in social media. As a company, brand or destination you might feel that you’re only just starting to dabble in social media, whereas your audience has already a much better understanding and might to take you seriously, but fret not! There is more to social media than just Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr!

What (and who!) do you want to target?

To begin with, let’s have a quick look at the following table:

Social Media marketing chart

This chart is really just meant as a guide, but it is one many of my clients have used over the past years. It focuses on the difference between the sharing / syndication strength of the network in relation to the importance (in terms of time and resources) to your brand / destination. The key point here is that there isn’t only Facebook, LinkedIn or twitter – there are a lot more networks out there your audiences might be interacting with.

This graph may look daunting at first, as you might assume you will have a lot of resource to throw at this, but just stand back and think about this… Keep Reading