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A week with the iPad (part 2) – my iPad app reviews

My top iPad app reviewsIn my last blog post I was talking about my latest purchase, the iPad. Obviously, the cool thing about the iPad / iPod / iPhone family is not the functionality of the device on its own, but rather the apps people make for it.

So, which apps would I, a web designer, project manager and information architect buy in my first week of buying the iPad? Let’s have a look:

My Top iPad apps – for work

2Do for the iPad (£2.39)

This is a great app, it integrates nicely with Outlook and allows for a number of nice features such as map locations, contacts, etc. The only thing it doesn’t do (and where it falls down) is the fact that  Keep Reading

Mozilla Jetpack – FireFox add-on development using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Mozilla Jetpack released - couple of weeks ago, the creative minds behind Mozilla Labs have launched the open source project Jetpack to the FireFox community.

Jetpack is an API which enables designers and developers to write add-ons using HTML, CSS and Javascript, encouraging more and more developers to join the 8,000+ people strong add-on community.

The Mozilla Labs Jetpack website already has a wealth of information, from guidelines to tutorials (ranging from how to disable <embed>’s or how to integrate the twitter API) and information on distributing your new add-on.

If you would like to find out more, just head over to for more information.

Small downtime – but now I’m back!

Downtime - reader,

I would like to apologise for the downtime and/or sluggish speeds in accessing this weblog over the last week. The reason was that one of the servers of the datacenter this website is being hosted with has malfunctioned and needed some TLC and a reboot or two.

Everything should be sorted now and we are back in business! 🙂

While you’re reading this, why not check out one of the most popular posts of this site or follow me for more news, information, links and advice here?



Using twitter for your business – what to look out for

I have been using Twitter for a littlewhile now. It is fast, very entertaining, and you can connect to and with friends, colleagues, business partners and like-minded people in your field.

A few days ago I spoke to a client of mine from a few years ago who wondered why his company was not using twitter for their own business since their RSS subscriber number was not that great (~150). The idea of his was to use twitter as a tool to show the more personal, more human side of the business, being able to interact with its customers and visitors, and engaging with similar companies, suppliers, even competitors. Well, that was the idea at least, and he asked me what I thought about that.

So what does twitter mean to a business? How can you make sure your business looks professional? Keep Reading