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Bad Microtransactions, controversial Patch and Downtime make Gran Tourismo 7 the players’ least Feavoured Game on Metacritic

Should that have been its real title?

It is quite a shame, really. Gran Tourismo 7 now is the least favoured game based on user reviews on metacritic, standing at a 2.2/10 (as of 20 March 2022).

The vast majority of the game’s user reviews were posted on or after March 17, when developer Polyphony Digital released a controversial patch reducing payouts from the game’s races, thus making it harder to unlock new cars without spending on microtransactions. It is worth nothing that some of Gran Turismo 7’s cars cost as much as eight times what they did on Gran Turismo Sport, if purchased using real money, or 20+h of grinding.

Gran Tourismo 7 was also offline for more than 30 hours between the 17th and 18th, which made it nearly unplayable due to the significant amount of content it requires an internet connection to access.

A week with the iPad (part 2) – my iPad app reviews

My top iPad app reviewsIn my last blog post I was talking about my latest purchase, the iPad. Obviously, the cool thing about the iPad / iPod / iPhone family is not the functionality of the device on its own, but rather the apps people make for it.

So, which apps would I, a web designer, project manager and information architect buy in my first week of buying the iPad? Let’s have a look:

My Top iPad apps – for work

2Do for the iPad (£2.39)

This is a great app, it integrates nicely with Outlook and allows for a number of nice features such as map locations, contacts, etc. The only thing it doesn’t do (and where it falls down) is the fact that  Keep Reading